The Masonic Lodge: Plano’s Most Haunted Building

Kevin Main, right, speaks to attendees at the Apparition Expedition haunted tour of downtown Plano, Friday, October 12, 2018.
I love this photo. It’s from Apparition Expedition, the ghost tour of downtown Plano last weekend, taken in the meeting room of the Masonic Lodge. The speaker is Kevin Main, who’s been collecting ghost stories that members of the Lodge have experienced over the years. The man in the background is J.W. Shepard, the Mason and rancher who some believe still haunts the halls. Members have heard footsteps on the spooky stairway, watched seats mysteriously open and close in the main meeting room, and seen chairs slide across the floor for no apparent reason. In my book, the Masonic Lodge is the most haunted building in Plano. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the Lodge has its own ghost story archivist, or that he’s a master of telling those stories with just the right note of dispassionate spookiness. You can visit the Lodge’s North Texas Masonic Historical Museum on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.